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Shobhit Negi, M.D., FAPA, LLC
Child, Adolescent, Adult and Forensic Psychiatry

CIVIL: (plaintiff or defendant)
Psychiatric and Medical Malpractice
-Informed Consent
-Civil Commitment
Personal Injury
-Asylum Petition
-Psychological Autopsy
Discrimination & Sexual Harassment
Employment Litigation
-Worker’s Compensation
-Fitness for Duty
CRIMINAL: (prosecution or defense)
-To Stand Trial
-To Waive Rights
Legal Insanity
-Criminal Responsibility
-Diminished Capacity
Mitigating Factors for Sentencing
Death Penalty
-Competency to Waive Appeals
-Competency to be Executed
Malingering Assessment
Risk Assessment
Forensic topics listed here represent a limited overview of potential assessments. Specific evaluations not listed may be available on request.

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